Paris can be a pretty wild place: Fearless motorcyclists buzz between traffic on the periphérique, hordes of commuters rush to catch the next train in the metro and tourists aggressively vie for seats at the best restaurants in town. Nonetheless, Paris is not exactly the animal kingdom with the most common wildlife being the urban pigeon. Visitors to Paris with a yearning for the African Savannah are in luck, however, as the city lies a short drive from one of Europe’s finest African Wildlife Reserve. New York Habitat can’t get you Paris accommodations inside the wild park, but can easily find a flat in the civilized city of Paris.
The Thoiry Wildlife Reserve is more than just any old zoo. The African wildlife reserve features 130 different species and 1000 animals, in addition to a botanical garden and a centuries old Chateau. Nonetheless, Thoiry’s main attraction is the African animals. Visitors meander through the reserve in their own vehicle. The drive is eight kilometres long and allows guests to view herds of Elephants and prides of lions roaming on a 240 acre territory. Many animals have been known to approach vehicles curiously, giving an up-close and personal experience not available in traditional zoos. The park also features Thoiry Chateau where costumed guides give energetic tours. In addition, Thoiry is also home to a botanical garden displaying a large maze, rose garden, and perfume garden among others.

The good thing with Paris is that you can go away from the city in the morning and still be back on time in the evening, to the comfort of your Paris apartment rental. Here’s a selection to get you started:
-This 2-bedroom vacation rental apartment in Montmartre-Sacre Coeur (PA-2332) Can comfortably accommodate 6 guests. The flat features a combination of Parisian elegance, artistic sensibilities and familial practicality.
-This studio apartment in Saint Michel (PA-2338) is a great option for a vacationing couple. The flat is filled with smart design touches and unique cachet.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever seen or experienced in the French capital? Let us know below.
I never knew Paris had a wildlife reserve
I remembered about 10 years ago when France won the Soccer World Cup. It was absolutely crazy and wild in the streets of the French Capital. Everybody was happy and the ambiance was unforgetable.
I really like your APT (PA 2332) and the bathroom is amazing how cool is that to have a mini garden in the shower. Love the wild part of Parisian owner
This seems like an ideal place to take the kids on our vacation in Paris. The site is great, if we did not already have accommodations, we would definitely have contacted you. Next time for sure!