When you visit the Louvre on your next trip to Paris, take the time to walk around the neighborhood, from the Palais Royal square to the Pont des Arts. Too many tourists come for the art and ignore the museum’s surroundings. It would be a huge mistake to leave without setting foot on the Pont des Arts, a pedestrian bridge that is mentioned in countless popular songs. It takes strollers over the Seine, from the Louvre to the West Bank, with stunning views of Notre Dame and the Pont Neuf. The setting is so beautiful that many Parisians spend their summer evenings there, with picnics, wine and guitars. The Pont des Arts is a destination in itself, not just a handy way of crossing the river.
If you choose to rent one of New York Habitat’s apartments in the Louvre area, the Pont des Arts could become your favorite hangout. Here are a few options in the neighborhood:
Two-bedroom apartment rental in Opera-Le Louvre (PA-2961)
One-bedroom apartment rental in Palais-Royal-Le Louvre (PA-3206)

And if your French is good enough you could catch a Molière play around the corner at the Comédie Française, France’s national theater.
Any recommendations for the Louvre-Palais Royal neighborhood?
You definitely try to have a Tea Time at the Hotel Le Meurice at the end of Rue de Rivoli. If you don’t have the budget to stay in this hotel during your vacation in Paris you should consider a vacation rental with this agency! They are great.
I don’t really see where is the beauty on that Pont des Arts bridge? Its the just pieces of iron together. I personnally prefer the bridge Alexander III way more magnificient!!! Anyway that said the bridge Alexander III is for both pedestrians and cars.
That is a pretty cool looking bridge, and I am fairly certain I did go on it when I was in Paris.
OHHH! That’s what this bridge is called? I always forget, but I really like it. Pont des arts. Gotta remember that. Thanks for reminding me! One thing I have to say though is beware a lot of “les clochards” like to hang out on this bridge and young kids and stuff. Its kind of a big party
I like the area that they are talking about in the article.