The 1st half of 2010 was a rebound period for the Paris furnished apartment market and all of the details are available in the 1st half 2010 Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report. The report covers vacation rentals (from 3 to 30 days) and furnished apartments (from 1 month to indefinitely). In the 1st half 2010 Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report we look at the positive developments in the Paris Market as well as factor affecting the market in the 1st half of 2010.
The report can be found on the Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report webpage. This site contains all of the previous Paris Furnished Apartment Market Reports for your reference
2010 1sh half Paris Furnished Apartment Market:
The Paris furnished apartment rental market (1 month and longer) had a strong 1st half of 2010 with a 10% increase in the number of rentals. Furthermore, customers were happy because prices fell by about 6% as the affect of the recession continued to influence the market.
An important finding in the 1st half of 2010 was that the number of rentals of studios was growing while the number of 1-bedroom rentals fell. This is a continuing trend as customers look for reasonably priced apartments and choose smaller studios over more expensive 1-bedroom apartments.
The vacation rental market saw a similar trend with the number of rentals increasing but in the vacation rental market prices rose slightly too. This Paris vacation rental market is saturated with 100’s of available properties in all sizes and types. Over the past several year this has helped to keep prices in check because often demand is not great enough to meet supply and therefore customers have the power to control prices.
In the 1st half of 2010, prices actually climbed slightly but this was not helpful in the rebound from the rescission. The typical traveler has become more and more careful about spending after the recession. Therefore, in the future owners will need to carefully weigh the benefits or raising price versus offering better deals to attract customers.
We hope you find this report to be useful if you are an apartment owner in Paris or if you are planning a trip to Paris. Our goal is to inform you of the latest trends in the Paris furnished apartment and vacation rental markets.
Please comment below on the report or e-mail us at marketreport@nyhabitat.com if you have any questions, comments or remarks.
Also, check out these blog entries about previous market reports:
2nd half and full year 2009 Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report
1st half 2009 paris Furnsihed Apartment Market Report
2nd half and full year 2008 Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report
1st half 2008 Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report
2nd half and full year 2007 Paris Furnished Apartment Market Report
Renting a furnished apartment is easy and straightforward. First, you need to consider the features and amenities that are important to you. Perhaps you want to live close to transit and you want an apartment with a complete dining room; regardless of your needs, there are likely a number of options for renting a furnished apartment in your city.