As any self-respecting New Yorker knows, the South Street Seaport in the Financial District no longer reeks of fresh fish, nor is it filled with the shady mafia types of years past. The centuries-old seaport is now a major Downtown tourist destination, mixing old-world cobblestone streets with progressive restaurants and chic boutiques. This summer, though, even the savviest New Yorker will have a hard time recognizing the city’s old port. The South Street Seaport will kiss goodbye the wise guys and fishmongers and welcome the indigenous people and ecology (an impressive recreation) of the Brazilian Amazon. As always, New York Habitat has visitors covered for the event, there are dozens of accommodations in the Financial District, just steps from the old port.
The South Street Seaport exhibit, titled Amazonia Brazil, is the perfect place to families or inquisitive couples out on a stroll. The New York exhibit features a 13,000 foot recreation of the Brazilian Amazon jungle, impressive in its scale and attention to detail. The recreation replicates the sounds of birds calling and the scents (no, that’s not today’s fresh catch coming into port) deep within the mythic rain forest jungle. The exhibit also introduces visitors to the human life within the jungle. Demonstrations are performed by indigenous peoples and shamans and local artisans are on hand to discuss their craft and sell handmade goods. A main focus of the event is to raise awareness for the Amazon’s problems and highlight several organizations working hard to solve said issues. Of course, global warming is a major topic of discussion as well, and rightfully so, the health of the “green ocean” affects the entire world.
New York Habitat has dozens of Financial District apartments available near the Seaport this summer, here’s a few worth looking into:-This 2 bedroom rental apartment in East Village – Lower East Side(NY-11250) boasts a hip, retro feel and a private outdoor deck.
-This studio in East Village – Lower East Side (NY-11966) is drenched in afternoon sunlight and the kitchen and bathroom are adorned with exposed brick walls.
What scares you the most; The massive mosquitos of the Amazon jungle, or the fearless taxi drivers of the urban jungle?
Great information!
I will definitly be visiting the Brazilian Amazonian exibit with my family. It sounds like a good experience to have this summer.
The Tuileries festival is filled with real Parisians, the city residents often lost among the tour groups and gift shops of Paris’ central districts.